
vendredi 5 septembre 2014

Free Online Courses on About Small Business Canada

Why Sign Up For a Free Online Course?The willingness to learn new things is one of the hallmarks of successful business and professional people. These free online courses can be a great way to help you acquire new information and hone your skills because they're designed with your busy life in mind - you can learn at your own pace.
When you sign up for one of these free online courses, you receive a lesson by email each week. (The day you receive the lesson will depend on when you signed up for the online course.) And while you receive an email lesson each week, you can take as long as you need to complete each lesson (as they don't expire) and even move ahead to another lesson or return to a lesson you want to review at any time by using the special "Lost Lessons" URL at the bottom of each email, which allows you to "order" any lesson in the series, and have it delivered immediately.
Presently, there are five free online courses available, with others in the works, so bookmark this page.
Free Online Courses to Help Your Small Business Be As Successful as PossibleHere's an outline of each of the free online courses I offer through the About Small Business: Canada site. In each case, the hyperlink will take you to the sign up page for that particular free online course.
Business Success Course (Weekly Delivery)
This free business course focuses on helping you free up more time to do the things you enjoy by becoming more organized; techniques to relax and rejuvenate so you have more energy to tackle your many tasks and learning how to market your business more effectively by marketing yourself. Sign up now and start being more successful.
  • Lesson 1 - Tracking Daily Activities
  • Lesson 2 - Setting Specific Goals
  • Lesson 3 - Decide to Delegate
  • Lesson 4 - Daily Business Planning
  • Lesson 5 - Get Ready to Sell
  • Lesson 6 - Using a Promotion Kit
  • Lesson 7 - The Benefits of Being a Joiner
  • Lesson 8 - Make Stress Work for You
  • Lesson 9 - The Power of Self-Promotion
  • Lesson 10 - Make Success a Habi
If you prefer to work through the Small Business Success Course entirely online, rather than receiving it as a weekly email, the starting page of the Business Success Course is Build Business Success Week By Week .Organize Your Small or Home Office Course (Weekly Delivery)
Whether you're just setting up a small or home office or just frustrated with how all the clutter in your office space is interfering with your productivity, this free seven week online course will show you how to get your office organized and turn your office space into a work space. Follow the link to go to the sign up page and get a lesson delivered to your inbox once a week.
  • Lesson 1 - Setting Up an Office
  • Lesson 2 - Setting Up and Using a Filing System
  • Lesson 3 - Tips for Organizing Paper
  • Lesson 4 - Doing the Books
  • Lesson 5 - Tips for Working More Efficiently
  • Lesson 6 - Managing Your Time
  • Lesson 7 - Keeping Your Home Office Safe & Secure
The Speak For Success Course (Weekly Delivery)
Designed to help you shape up your oral communication skills, these seven speech lessons will make you sound more polished and professional - and ultimately, because of the power of good communication, become more successful. Follow the link to go to the sign up page and get a lesson delivered to your inbox once a week.
  • Speech Lesson 1 - Stop Dropping Your G's; Enunciation Matters
  • Speech Lesson 2 - Axe Those Fillers
  • Speech Lesson 3 - Enthusiasm and Monotones Don't Mix
  • Speech Lesson 4 - Motormouths Don't Make Sales
  • Speech Lesson 5 - Buzzwords and Slang Bury Your Message
  • Speech Lesson 6 - Active Listening Is The Most Important Thing You Say
  • Speech Lesson 7 - Evaluating Your Speech Skills
If you prefer to work through the Speak for Success Course entirely online, rather than receiving it as a weekly email, the starting page is Speech Lesson 1.
Starting A Small Business in Canada Course (Weekly Delivery)
Thinking of starting a business but don't know where to start? Wondering what steps you need to go through to make your new business legal or wrestling with writing a business plan? This free online course will lead you through the process of starting a business in Canada - step by step. Follow the link to go to the sign up page and get a lesson delivered to your inbox once a week.
  • Lesson 1 - What Do You Need to Start a Business?
  • Lesson 2 - Are You Ready to Be an Entrepreneur?
  • Lesson 3 - Finding the Money for Your New Business
  • Lesson 4 - Is Your Business Idea Feasible?
  • Lesson 5 - Continuing With Your Business Plan
  • Lesson 6 - Forms of Business and Registration
  • Lesson 7 - The Business Number, GST & PST
  • Lesson 8 - Your Management Plan
  • Lesson 9 - Records, Business Expenses & Taxes
  • Lesson 10 - Marketing and Promotion
  • Lesson 11 - Is It Time to Open Your Doors?
The Small Business Makeover CourseThe Small Business Makeover consists of a "workout" each week which focuses on increasing your business success by improving a particular aspect of your business. Sign up now to increase your business success.
  • Lesson 1 - Business Planning Makeover
  • Lesson 2 - Business Finances Makeover
  • Lesson 3 – Customer Service Makeover
  • Lesson 4 - Information Technology Makeover
  • Lesson 5 - Small Business Marketing Makeover
If you prefer to work through the Small Business Makeover Course entirely online, rather than receiving it as a weekly email, the starting page is The Small Business Makeover.

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